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Updated date
May 15, 2023
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Staff Blogs
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12 min read

CaskX featured: An inside look by InsideHook

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Invest now to secure your future returns!
Explore opportunities to invest in full barrels of Bourbon Whiskey and casks of Scotch Whisky.

As another year comes to a close, it’s important we take a look back at the American whiskey market for current and future investments. Was 2022 a profitable year for the bourbon and whiskey industry? Will numbers and interest continue to rise? Is there room for infrastructure expansion in, say, Kentucky and Tennessee?

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Et et ut non at odit adipisci neque. Delectus saepe mollitia. Quibusdam veniam tempora nostrum eligendi.

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Dylan Lemke
Dylan Lemke

Voluptates occaecati quos harum. Itaque laboriosam adipisci ex odio nostrum quas ad delectus labore

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Dylan Lemke
Distillery Direct
When it comes to building a whiskey cask portfolio, CaskX works diligently to protect investors by providing detailed documentation, secure storage facilities and continuous monitoring of each investment. All whiskey casks are stored in government regulated warehouses under the strict oversight of local governing bodies. Investors can expect complete transparency and full disclosure throughout the entire lifecycle of the investment.